Kanati-Tek MP3 files

I went through 52 files from Kanati-Tec. There is one baby cottontail recorded in various permutations and one other 10-second cottontail. There were two interesting chickens and a kitten distress. The mouse distress sounded vaguely familiar; it must be a coincidence.

Name Size (MB) Time (s) Comments Bit Rate Sample Rate
2Babycottontails 5.7 150   320 48000
Americancrow 0.1 6   128 44100
Babycottontail 1 4.0 105 baby cot 320 48000
babycottontail2 1.2 32 baby cot 320 48000
BluejayDistress1 1.0 26   320 48000
BoarSnorts 0.8 21   320 48000
Calfsounds 2.1 56   320 48000
Calfsounds2 2.8 74   320 48000
Canada 0.1 3   128 44100
Chicken 2.3 60 *** 320 48000
ChickenDistress 1.3 34 *** 320 48000
Chipmunk 3 0.2 10 good but too short 128 44100
Cottontail 0.2 10 way too short 128 44100
CottontailDinner 2.4 63 baby cot & canine snarls 320 48000
Coyote Bark 0.5 30 *** 128 22050
Coyote Group Locator 0.5 35 Rally 128 22050
Coyote1 1.2 77 *** 128 44100
Coyotebreeding 0.2 12 a 6-second hump 128 16000
Coyotepack 0.4 24 GYH 128 44100
Crow Attention 0.1 6   128 16000
Crying Baby 1.9 48 human baby 320 48000
Crying Baby2 2.7 71 human baby 320 48000
Dogsfight-Fightsnarl 3.8 100 dog on dog action 320 48000
Dogsfighting 2.0 53 the dogs on the other files 320 48000
Dogsfightsnarl 1.3 33 the dogs on the other files 320 48000
Fox Barking From Distance 0.7 46   128 44100
Fox Calling 0.2 15 ** 5 fox barks 128 44100
Fox Mating Call 0.6 40 dubbed up 128 44100
Fox Purring 0.7 47   128 44100
Fox Whistle 2.2 57 might work; lots of silence 320 44100
Goatdinner 2.3 61 goat distress & canine snarls 320 48000
Goatdistress1 2.0 51 ok 320 48000
Kittensdistress 1.7 109 *** stereo 128 48000
lamb 2.3 60 ** 320 48000
LambSheep 5.1 134 ** 320 48000
LilCottontail3 2.2 57 dual baby cot 320 48000
LJBabyBobcat 2.3 60 mouth call 320 48000
Lone Crow 1.5 99   128 48000
Mouse Distress Call 0.2 10 Sounds familiar 128 44100
PigletSows1 0.3 6   320 48000
Prairie Dog 1 0.5 30   128 44100
Prairie Dog 2 0.1 7 too short 128 16000
Rabbitfutter 0.2 11   128 22050
Rabbitpurring 0.2 13 not distress 128 44100
Rabbitscreaming 0.2 9 too short 128 44100
RabbitStew 1.8 46 2 rabbits and a canine snarl 320 48000
SnowGeese 1.2 30   320 48000
Squirrelchattering 0.1 7 very short chatter 128 44100
Squirrelchattering2 0.1 3 even chatterer 128 44100
Vixens 1.5 38 dubbed up 320 48000
Wren 2.1 56 *** 320 48000
Young Fox Crying 0.2 15 3 cries 128 44100