Top 120

Rule of 10. For ease of use and simpler file keeping I picked teams of ten sounds. Using ten well chosen is sufficient for most situations.

This game is rigged even more. Each team of ten has to have two birds, 3 rabbits, fox, a crow, a coaxer and a canine distress or whine. The tenth sound is the "any critter" sound. Any set of ten was filled with the arguably best-available sound. Any group should have a fair chance on any hunt. Requiring 10 in this fashion probably favors libraries with more breadth than depth with one kind of sound, but on the hunt a team would be able to counter more kinds of common action.

Reconciling a couple of thousand data points, these were the best in quality, urgency, cadence, and loop length from this subset of noises.

1 set of ten = 1 day of hunting

Playing just the first 5 distress sounds 3 times each = 15 stands.

This list doesn't rank #1, #2, #3....; rather, it's meant to be a programming guide so any branded caller knows what he's got and what he needs.Three sets of ten each will fill a long weekend, never get boring, and hopefully bring in some critters. Programmed in this strange order, they're easy to find and play. A caller is never more than a few button presses or a few lines on the display away from the sound he might need in a lot of common scenarios.

I tried to build sets from anyone who recorded them and was close to a set of their own. A few odd members were swapped in just because they were too good to leave out. Looking at the results, it didn't matter whether a sound was an MP3 download, proprietary file, CD transfer, or cassette tape rip. The sounds on this page deserve to be here.

Final score for quality sounds: 1st place - Foxpro - 44; 2nd place - Johnny Stewart - 36

000 JSSqBird 010 JSSqWoodp 020 JSBabyWoodp
001 JSYhammerWoodp 011 JSRedShaftFlicker 021 JSDQuail
002 JSBabyCottontail 012 JSBabyJackrabbit 022 JSFrightBabyCottontail
003 JSHPCottontail 013 JSGrownCottontail 023 JSDesperateCottontail
004 JSJackrabbitVittles 014 JSSuperJack 024 JSGrownJackrabbit
005 JSFawnBleat 015 JSKittenD 025 JSWtailFawnCries
006 JSGrayFox&Raccoon 016 JSBabyRedFox 026 JSRed&GrayFox
007 JSCrowDeathCry 017 JSCrowOwlFight 027 JSCrowFight
008 JSRodentD 018 JSDRodents 028 FPVoleSqueaks
009 JSCoyPupD 019 TTCoyoteFight 029 TTDogginCoyote
030 FPFemCardinal 040 FPWoodpecker 050 FPMadStarling
031 FPFinchD 041 FPWackyWdpckr 051FPGrayCatbird
032 FPBigRabbitD 042 FPMadRabbitD 052 FPScreamnRabbit
033 FPEasternCottontail 043 FPCFCottontail 053 FPLilsCottontail
034 FPLightningJack 044 FPLilJack 054 FPWaningJack
035 FPKittenD2 045 FPGraySquirrel 055 FPFlyingSquirrel
036 FPPtGrayFoxPup 046 FPScreamnGrayFox 056 FPBabyRedFoxD
037 BAYoungCrowD 047 BAMourningCall 057 BAdultCrowDist
038 FPYoungRatD 048 FPAdultRatD 058 RARodentD
039 FPCoyDeathCry 049 FPCoyPupScreams 059 FPCoyPupDist3
060 MOWoundedWoody 070 BBYHam 080 FPWailNWdpkr
061 MOSuperRooster 071 BBQuailD 081 LBTurkeyPoult
062 MOBabyJack 072 BBBabyCottontail 082 LBBabyRabbitD
063 MOSandhillCottontail 073 BBGrownCottontail 083 LBCottontail
064 MOJumpinJack 074 BBGrownJackrabbit 084 FPSnowshoe HP
065 MODomCatD 075 BBYoungDeer D 085 LBKittenDistress
066 MOGrayFoxD 076 BBGrayFoxPup 086 LBGrayFoxPupD
067 MOCrowSmallFlock 077 FPCrows2 087 LBBabyCrowD
068 MOMadlLips 078 BBRatDCoax 088 LBRodentD
069 MOHurtPup 079 FPFemCoySub 089 FPCoyFemWhimpers
090 FPRedBelWdpckr2 100 FPRedBelWdpckr1 110 JSMeadowlark
091 FPPrincesBirdD 101 WTPileate 111 JSGobblerDistress
092 BSCottontail 102 WTCotailY 112 JSBabyJacksD
093 FPPursuitJack1 103 WTJackrabY 113 JSSnowshoeHareD
094 OPBuckshotJack 104 WTJackrab 114 JSHurtnJack
095 FPHeronDistress 105 WTGoatD 115 JSKidGoatD
096 FPSTGrayFoxPup 106 WTGrayFox 116 JSRedFox&Cottontail
097 FPRavenDuet 107 WTCrowMob 117 JSCrowComeHere
098 FPFreakySqueaks 108 WTMouseD 118 WTMouseV
099 DKCoyPupD 109 WTCoyAdultD 119 JSCaninePups

JS-Johnny Stewart; TT-Tony Tebbe; MO-Minaska Outdoors; BB-Burnham Bros.; FP-Foxpro; LB-Lohman Bros.; OP-Odd Parts and personal favorites; WT-Wildlife Tech (substituted a Foxpro bird that was far superior to any WT bird)