Wildlife Tech's 100 recordings that I reviewed are generally high quality recordings. Some of the loops are short, but there are eleven(?) good WT rabbits, and that makes up for a lot. If you have an ear for sounds, you may hear WT recordings in some movies.
The WT sound list included 9 highly rated rabbits, 3 good foxes, and 2 excellent coaxers.
Top honors go to WT's young jackrabbit, a 50 second WIM (Woe Is Me!) loop, a cottontail juvenile, and the "MouseD" coaxer.
This caller is for sale. $1200 with 115 sound files. MAKE OFFER.
WT also has some high-quality coyote recordings. Among the best yips, whines, and pup distress, 6 were highly rated and 4 more have good hunting utility. These coyotes were recorded in Newfoundland from large animals with wolf genes. The adult sounds have limited utility in the West where the average coyote is ~18 pounds. They may work in the East. Here in the West, they generally do not work except for the very occasional territorial response from an aggressive animal in the middle of its home territory. Best advice - Stick with the distress calls west of the Mississippi.
WT had no winner in the Bird Distress category. There were no screaming bird standouts. The magpie sound calls magpies. The woodpecker sound will work with a decoy. Only one bird qualified as good, a 27 s loop, the file named "Pileate." The rest were generally ambient sounds, though the Wren, Mockingbird, and Bluebird might be raucous enough for hunting.
"MouseD" is very high-pitched and is partially out of hearing range. It offers some relief to tired ears during a long night of hunting. It's almost like hunting in silence.
Name | Size (MB) | Time (s) | Sound and comments | |
BARHARE | 1.8 | 29 | Barred Hare | |
BAROC | 0.4 | 6 | Barred Owl | |
BDSW | 1.8 | 29 | Hare Adult Distress | |
BEAR4M | 1.7 | 28 | Bear 4 month distress | |
BEARBEG | 0.7 | 11 | Bear begging for food | |
BEARMAD | 0.8 | 12 | Bear aggressive | |
BLUBIRD | 0.8 | 13 | Bluebird Distress | |
BLUEJAY | 0.9 | 15 | Bluejay, more ambient than distress | |
BOBCATB | 1.6 | 26 | Bobcat kitten distress | |
C2MALES | 0.8 | 12 | Fast deep pitched barking | |
CA8MDIS | 2.8 | 45 | Coyote 8 month challenge bark; distance to mic | |
CADIS | 2.1 | 34 | ** Coyote adult distress; distance to mic | |
CAGRPH | 1.9 | 30 | *** Coyote Puppy Group Yip Howl | |
CALFDIS | 2.7 | 44 | Calf distress | |
CASM | 2.1 | 35 | Coyote adult interrogation and challenge | |
CASUBMIT | 1.5 | 24 | *** Coyote adult whines and yips | |
CATAD | 2.1 | 35 | Cat adult distress | |
CATBABY | 1.6 | 26 | lost kitten | |
CBARKS | 0.4 | 7 | Coyote 6 deep barks; distance to mic | |
CBETAM | 1.1 | 18 | Coyote a couple low pitched barks and partial challenges | |
CCHAT | 1.6 | 25 | ***Coyote adult yips | |
CDOMM | 1.9 | 30 | Coyote 4 very deep howls | |
CFC | 1.9 | 31 | Coyote 3 interrogations | |
CFMATIN | 2.0 | 32 | Coyote mating | |
CFOODF | 2.0 | 32 | Coyote snarls and growls | |
CFTERRY | 1.2 | 19 | Coyote 3 announcements; some overlap with CFWTERRI | |
CFWTERRI | 1.4 | 22 | Coyote 4 announcements or barks | |
CGRALLY | 1.3 | 22 | Coyote rally and gyh; distance to mic | |
CHUNT | 0.9 | 14 | GYH | |
CLONEM | 1.3 | 20 | Coyote 3 low pitched interrogations | |
CMATERRI | 1.2 | 20 | Coyote 3 challenge barks and a reply by a lower pitched coyote | |
CMCHALL | 1.7 | 27 | Coyote 3 challs and 2 more by another animal | |
CMFTERRI | 1.5 | 24 | GYH; distance to mic | |
CMRALLY | 1.0 | 16 | Coyote 3 deep rally howls | |
CMTERRI | 1.9 | 30 | Coyote low pitched constant barking | |
COTAILB | 4.0 | 65 | *** Cottontail Juvenile | |
COTAILD | 3.4 | 55 | *** Cottontail Adult | |
COTAILY | 3.1 | 50 | ****Cottontail Juvenile | |
COUGBC | 1.4 | 23 | Cougar baby 1 whistle repeats 4 times; '2 dubbed up a bunch | |
COUGFC | 1.0 | 16 | Cougar female call | |
COUGFH | 0.9 | 15 | Cougar 4 snarl meows | |
COUGFM | 0.9 | 14 | Cougar 6 meows | |
COUGMC | 0.7 | 11 | Cougar male 4 calls | |
COYMA | 2.4 | 39 | Coyote low pitched 10 challenger | |
CPAIRA | 1.0 | 15 | GYH growly low pitched | |
CPD10 | 1.3 | 21 | ** Coyote pup distress | |
CPD3 | 1.6 | 26 | *** Coyote pup distress | |
CPDGROW | 0.7 | 11 | Coyote pup distress growls | |
CPGHOWL | 1.4 | 22 | GYH | |
CPSHOWL | 0.6 | 10 | Coyote pup distress | |
CPSWHINE | 1.6 | 26 | Coyote dueling pup distress | |
CPWHINE | 1.4 | 23 | ** Coyote pup whine | |
CRO4MD | 2.3 | 38 | Crow distress | |
CROWHPD | 2.1 | 34 | Crow high-pitched distress | |
CROWJD | 2.0 | 33 | Crow high-pitched distress | |
CROWMANY | 1.6 | 30 | Crow group | |
CROWMOB | 1.8 | 28 | Crow group | |
CROWOWL | 1.9 | 30 | Crow and Owl | |
CROWSA | 1.7 | 28 | Crows several but one at a time | |
CYFHOWLS | 1.6 | 26 | ** Coyote 4 smooth low pitched interrogations | |
CYGRPH | 2.1 | 35 | *** Coyote yips | |
CYSHOWLS | 1.9 | 30 | *** Coyote happy yips | |
DEERAD | 1.3 | 20 | Fawn distress | |
DEERFD | 1.2 | 19 | Fawn distress | |
ELKCOW | 1.1 | 17 | Elk Cow chirps | |
EUROH | 4.6 | 75 | *** Hare Screaming | |
FLEMBD | 2.9 | 47 | *** Cottontail baby | |
FOXSQ | 1.2 | 20 | Squirrel | |
GFADIS | 1.4 | 23 | ** Gray Fox Distress | |
GFPDIS | 1.3 | 21 | ** Gray Fox Distress | |
GOATBD | 1.3 | 22 | ** Kid distress | |
JACKRAB | 3.2 | 52 | *** Jackrabbit distress | |
JACKRABY | 3.0 | 50 | **** WIM Jackrabbit juvenile distress | |
LAMBD | 1.1 | 18 | Lamb distress | |
MAGPIES | 0.7 | 11 | Magpies ambient | |
MOCBIRD | 1.7 | 27 | Mockingbird distress | |
MOOCA | 1.1 | 17 | ||
MOOCAFD | 1.9 | 31 | ||
MOOCM | 6.1 | 100 | ||
MOOCOD | 1.4 | 22 | ||
MOUSED | 1.0 | 17 | **** Rodent distress High pitched | |
MOUSEV | 1.2 | 20 | *** Rodents distress | |
PIGAD | 1.6 | 27 | ||
PIGBABY | 1.7 | 28 | ||
PIGCOT | 1.7 | 27 | *** Rabbit scream and yodel | |
PILEATE | 1.6 | 26 | ** Woodpecker, but nowhere near the distress of other sources | |
PORCB | 1.6 | 26 | Porcupine distress | |
PUPPYD | 1.0 | 16 | Pup distress | |
RAVENBD | 1.4 | 23 | Raven juvenile distress | |
RAVENFF | 1.3 | 21 | Ravens, two of them; dubbed up | |
REDSQD | 1.3 | 21 | squirrel distress | |
RFADIS | 1.7 | 27 | *** Red Fox distress | |
RFBFITE | 1.5 | 25 | Red Fox distress | |
SKUNK | 1.4 | 23 | ||
SNOWSD | 3.6 | 59 | *** Snowshoe distress | |
STARLINB | 1.7 | 28 | Starling distress | |
TURHEN | 0.6 | 9 | ||
WFADIS | 1.7 | 28 | *** Whitetail fawn distress | |
WOLFARH | 1.8 | 29 | ||
WOLFMF | 1.8 | 30 | ||
WOLFMH | 1.6 | 26 | ||
WOLFPW | 1.0 | 16 | ||
WREN | 1.3 | 22 | ** Wren distress |