Byron South CDs

A few years ago Byron South produced 4 CDs with 16 files on them. The live rabbits were outstanding.

Byron South CDs Size (MB) Time (s) Comments
Female Jack 12.6 75 ****
Canine Pups 3.9 46 ***
Challenge Howls 3.0 35 handcall
4 Lone Howls 3.8 45 handcall
Cottontail Distress 11.1 66 **** AKA Foxpro's DSG cottontail
Dual Cottontail 10.9 65 ***
Dueling Jacks 12.3 73 ***
Coyote Ki-Yi's 3.0 36 handcall
Swamp Rabbit 11.7 70 ***
Young Cottontail 6.6 39 ****
Bobcat in heat 2.9 34 e-hum
Feral Cat Distress 3.6 43 ***
Rodent Distress 1.8 21 *** real or handcall?
Tom & Jerry 2.5 29 **
Male Jack 20.3 121 **** choked and shaken